minini Mystery Blind Box

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Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Sheila McCabe
Eternal Roommate Vibes!

I ordered my first one a few months ago and got Shooky, which was awesome! I love all the members, but Suga is my bias, so it was even better. I put him on my nightstand and just seeing the cute little beady eyes in the morning is so heartwarming. BUT, if that wasn’t cute enough, I got a little RJ in the mail this month, and now every time I look at them, I think of the Eternal Roommates. If I ever go fishing, these guys are coming with me as good luck charms.

Daniela BI
Adorable and unexpected #EarlyBird2023

I was excited to buy it and give it to my friends, I didn't get RJ but now it accompanies my adventures #EarlyBird2023

Alexandra Bozinoff
Love them, so cute, so sweet!

The "minini" character designs are so sweet. I love their simple faces with the big blush, so cute. I ordered 4 boxes and got 3 unique characters. I got shooky (x2), mang, and rj. My sister (not an army) thought shooky was so cute she's keeping the duplicate. I ordered more because I'd like to have all 7 if possible. They're hard plastic and stand on their own. Even the box is cute imo. Overall, so cute and small, I'm really happy :)

Iyona Joseph
Small but very cute!

Its WAYYYYY smaller than i expected it to be but its still really cute and i love it:) i got jimins!

Lisa Cassello
Mystery Box

I thought they were adorable but I got to Jimins